
Inhale the Heavy delivers underground heavy metal by independent artists to you by posting artist interviews, music and videos.

Sometimes fast. Sometimes slow. Always goddamn loud!

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We’d love to hear from you!. Get in touch here.

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Get your artist interview, music or video featured on Inhale the Heavy here.

Social Media

You can follow Inhale the Heavy on Facebook, Instagram, Threads and X.

Our Logo

Our stunning logo was created by Jean Saiz.

In addition to having been a member in the now defunct Miami based sludge band Shroud Eater, Jean is an extremely talented graphic artist. She runs Thee Crooked Hand, a place where she showcases and sells her original wood burned art and other unique items.


Inhale the Heavy would never knowingly feature music or video that supports facism, heterosexism, nazism, racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia or any other -obia or -ism.

That being said, if any of our content contains any of the above mentioned, please let us know IMMEDIATELY by sending an email to editor@inhaletheheavy.com. Thank you!